Penyakit Ginjal dan Solusinya

Posted by Nur Lela Thursday, November 12, 2009

Everyone that tofu kidney constitutes man vital organ. But not many person which know kidney exhaustively. It was caused to increase society care to know kidney that have big contribution in that human body still low.

Terminologicaling it, kidney disease be not been detected, suddenly while mengidap's someone that disease and experiences its phenomena therefore lie on middle zoom until chronic.

"That kidney have carefully been looked after. In consequence a no disease its phenomena, so if was troublesome therefore direct to paroxysm," clear doctor that also writer at one of blog that health.

Still terminological almamater that Sam Ratulangi's University, functioning kidney as tool of filtration, which is issue salt excess, water, and acid. And discarding or manages electrolyte as k, Ca, Mg, PO4, discarding body metabolite rest, and on call does sekresi to result EPO that functioning to manage Haemoglobin blood (HB), vitamin activation d. for bone health, and mensekresi renin to manage blood pressure.

Nah, kidney disease that suffered by that man split up becomes acute kidney disease, kronik's kidney disease, and renal failure. On prerenal's invasive case because of vein trouble before kidney input, one that marked by hipovolemia, sindroma hepatorenal, veined trouble, and sepsis sistemik.

Damage on that kidney network is alone, lanjut is this court man, because of ingoing poison via mouth, muscle network desolation. While hemolisis because of all sort disease as diseased as sickle cell and lupus. In contrast to glomerulonefritis acutely that a lot of because of SLE, streptokokus's germ effect infection tenggorokan and also tooth, etcetera.

Utilised answers permasalah that, therefore poison shall be avoided in order not to kidney damage happenings as avoid fetes or unknown herb its mechanism. Cure that is done without doctor consultation (e.g. purpose AINS or Ibuprofen, aminoglikosida's faction antibiotic and contrast), consume obatan cancers or kemoterapi, and imunosupresan also as trigger other causative diseased it.

Muscle network desolation kidney that extends to get because of accident, wound pricks to outgrow, type doctor purposes statin, stimulan, etcetera. On post renal's phase, urin who will come out to constrain by marks sense calculus, cancer, stone, blood that wads on kemih's channel, disease about nerve urinary, as spina bifida.

Terminologicaling it again, post renal's trouble is marked with stomach ache and diarrhoea, tired, effortless, bellyful and puke, sukar is concentrate, urin menurun's production, and oedema. Kidneys diseased cure acute get by undertaking been done consultation craftily it (nefrologist or urologist) well with primary healing and also secondary.

In contrast to PGA what do happen deep calculation days or Sunday, chronic kidney disease (PGK) having more process so long. "Cause of PGK for example glomerulonefritis, polikistik's kidney, infection, autoimun, etcetera. The number of times utilizes or without doctor consultation consume obatan asetaminofen, ibuprofen and tea pelangsing can also trigger this disease," its opens up.

Added by Scream, to measure condition of kidney health can be seen from kreatinin's rate, ureum, urin's protein, HB, and Klirens Kreatinin.


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