Until this moment there is no vaccine that can prevent or treat HIV-AIDS. But is not something that is impossible to conduct HIV prevention for themselves and others. Therefore, understanding the transmission process is the key to prevention. Here I would like to measures to prevent transmission of HIV AIDS if you are not infected with HIV-AIDS.

* Understand the HIV-AIDS and teach others. Understanding HIV-AIDS and how the virus is transmitted is the basis for preventive action (God willing in the next post I discussed the problem of HIV AIDS), spread the knowledge in to other people such as family, friends and relatives.
* Know your HIV status of your sexual partners of AIDS. Having sex with just anyone make the perpetrators of sex is very risky HIV-infected, and therefore know the HIV status of sex partners of AIDS is very important.
* Use a new syringe and sterile. The most rapid spread of HIV AIDS is through sharing needles with people alternately with positive HIV status, transmission through needle often occurs in IDU (injection drug user).
* Use a Condom Quality. Besides making ejaculation slower, use of condoms during sex * Melepasmu, cook dinner pas pake condom? * Quite effective in preventing HIV-AIDS transmission through sex.
* Perform circumcision / circumcision. Many studies in the year 2006 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) showed that circumcised men have a risk of doing 53% less than those who do not perform circumcision. (InsyaAllah discussed in the next post).
* Perform periodic HIV testing. If you are someone with a high risk, HIV testing should be done regularly, at least 1 year.

There are several stages when you start to become infected with HIV virus until symptoms of AIDS:

1. Stage 1: Period window
- HIV enters the body, until the formation of antibodies to HIV in the blood
- No special tanda2, people with HIV look healthy and feel healthy
- HIV test can not detect the presence of this virus
- This stage is called the window period, generally ranging from 2 weeks - 6 months

2. Stage 2: HIV-Positive (without symptoms) on average for 5-10 years:
- HIV in the body breed
- No special signs, people with HIV look healthy and feel healthy
- HIV Test is able to detect HIV status of a person, having been formed antibodies against HIV
-Generally stay looking good for 5-10 years, depending on body endurance (average 8 years (in developing countries is shorter)

3. Stage 3: HIV-Positive (symptoms)
- Getting the immune system down
- Start up of symptoms of opportunistic infections, such as: swollen lymph glands throughout the body, constant diarrhea, flu, etc.
- Generally lasts for more than 1 month, depending on her endurance

4. Stage 4: AIDS
- Condition of the body's immune system is very weak
- Various other diseases (opportunistic infections) getting worse

What are the symptoms of people infected with HIV become AIDS?

2 can be seen from the symptoms of Major symptoms (more common) and Minor symptoms (not common):

Major Symptoms:
- Weight loss of more than 10% within 1 month
- Chronic diarrhea lasting more than 1 month
- Prolonged fever for more than 1 month
- The decline of consciousness and neurological disorders
- Dementia / HIV encephalopathy

Minor Symptoms:
- A cough settled more than 1 month
- Dermatitis generalized
- The zostermultisegmental herpes zoster and recurrent herpes
- Kandidias orofaringeal
- Herpes simplex chronic progressive
- Generalized lymphadenopathy
- Recurrent fungal infection in female genitals
- Cytomegalovirus retinitis

Everyone that tofu kidney constitutes man vital organ. But not many person which know kidney exhaustively. It was caused to increase society care to know kidney that have big contribution in that human body still low.

Terminologicaling it, kidney disease be not been detected, suddenly while mengidap's someone that disease and experiences its phenomena therefore lie on middle zoom until chronic.

"That kidney have carefully been looked after. In consequence a no disease its phenomena, so if was troublesome therefore direct to paroxysm," clear doctor that also writer at one of blog that health.

Still terminological almamater that Sam Ratulangi's University, functioning kidney as tool of filtration, which is issue salt excess, water, and acid. And discarding or manages electrolyte as k, Ca, Mg, PO4, discarding body metabolite rest, and on call does sekresi to result EPO that functioning to manage Haemoglobin blood (HB), vitamin activation d. for bone health, and mensekresi renin to manage blood pressure.

Nah, kidney disease that suffered by that man split up becomes acute kidney disease, kronik's kidney disease, and renal failure. On prerenal's invasive case because of vein trouble before kidney input, one that marked by hipovolemia, sindroma hepatorenal, veined trouble, and sepsis sistemik.

Damage on that kidney network is alone, lanjut is this court man, because of ingoing poison via mouth, muscle network desolation. While hemolisis because of all sort disease as diseased as sickle cell and lupus. In contrast to glomerulonefritis acutely that a lot of because of SLE, streptokokus's germ effect infection tenggorokan and also tooth, etcetera.

Utilised answers permasalah that, therefore poison shall be avoided in order not to kidney damage happenings as avoid fetes or unknown herb its mechanism. Cure that is done without doctor consultation (e.g. purpose AINS or Ibuprofen, aminoglikosida's faction antibiotic and contrast), consume obatan cancers or kemoterapi, and imunosupresan also as trigger other causative diseased it.

Muscle network desolation kidney that extends to get because of accident, wound pricks to outgrow, type doctor purposes statin, stimulan, etcetera. On post renal's phase, urin who will come out to constrain by marks sense calculus, cancer, stone, blood that wads on kemih's channel, disease about nerve urinary, as spina bifida.

Terminologicaling it again, post renal's trouble is marked with stomach ache and diarrhoea, tired, effortless, bellyful and puke, sukar is concentrate, urin menurun's production, and oedema. Kidneys diseased cure acute get by undertaking been done consultation craftily it (nefrologist or urologist) well with primary healing and also secondary.

In contrast to PGA what do happen deep calculation days or Sunday, chronic kidney disease (PGK) having more process so long. "Cause of PGK for example glomerulonefritis, polikistik's kidney, infection, autoimun, etcetera. The number of times utilizes or without doctor consultation consume obatan asetaminofen, ibuprofen and tea pelangsing can also trigger this disease," its opens up.

Added by Scream, to measure condition of kidney health can be seen from kreatinin's rate, ureum, urin's protein, HB, and Klirens Kreatinin.

Nutrition, Health and Heart Disease
Tips on How to Have a Healthy Heart, How to Prevent Heart Disease. Disclaimer and Privacy Policy
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what would it take to avoid a heart surgeon? How about a multivitamin / mineral pill and some omega-3 oil (canola-rapeseed, flax, fish)? Add a diet low in processed food and a good 'lifestyle' (don't smoke, control waist size, manage stress well, some exercise) and you will improve general health and help prevent heart disease. I know, it is normal to believe you're eating a good diet but there is mathematical certainty that even the best diet does not get you the vitamin levels that our bodies and genome developed on. Supplementation fixes this and is safe, cheap and, best of all: easy.

This site looks at the food, supplement and prevention side of disease. I study nutrition in medicine as an independent researcher but it is not my job. This site doesn't generate money or sell anything. Below are highlights about the nutrients that prevent damage to your artery and bone structure and sometimes even cure it, and about those that can help you survive already existing artery damage.

In food processing, as when making flour or noodles, we lose 60-90% of most heart healthy vitamins. We degrade proteins by frying and high heat and our factories hydrogenate oil which first zaps all omega-3 (really vitamin F-3) by trans-forming it into toxic trans fat.

Science shows that a heart healthy diet is one with relatively unprocessed foods with veggies and some fruits, and rice or grains that retain some of their original kernel-structure to slow digestion. Such 'whole' foods became scarce in Western diets. If you can't recognize part of the original food, the item is processed or refined. Some eggs, liver or fish are probably also vital for most of us.

Why a add multi-vitamin pill to your diet? Well, most fast single nutrient diseases like scurvy, beriberi and goiter were wiped out by food fortification, our 'weapon of mass nutrition'. However, processed foods low in many nutrients such as vitamins B6, B12, folic acid and others, cause 'Long-Latency Deficiency Diseases', such as heart disease, cancer, bone loss and Alzheimer's. Think of these as nutrient deficiency diseases with long incubation periods and the science suddenly makes sense! Start with cholesterol and the science will never makes sense (can your doctor explain the 6th figure from the bottom?).

While research is ongoing and not every nutrient is good for everyone, this site is one evaluation of the prevention evidence to date -but with a nutritional bias. The idea is HITMNS "Health: It's The Micro-Nutrients, Stupid!" [and only then the economy.]
Most scientists agree that almost no one has optimum levels of many key nutrients and that a multivitamin + mineral supplement fills many such gaps. Bonus: a high dose multi is the only therapy to lower homocysteine, a slow poison simply corroding our life-long structural proteins, linked to over 100 diseases. A bottle with 6 months no-iron multis has no child-proof cap, it's that safe! The evidence for benefit is massive and pennies per day.

Even in health, there's excellent science for taking such [normally, no-iron] multi plus foods and supplements for a total daily intake of at least 1 gram vitamin C, 1.2 g calcium, 600 mg magnesium, 1200 IU (30 mcg) D (when not getting adequate sunshine), about 200 IU 'mixed' E in a meal with fat and 200 mcg selenium [bench-mark of a great multi.]

The good news: there are major health benefits from omega-3 rich oils, like almost 1 teaspoon flax (lin) and fish oil or 2 tablespoons canola (rapeseed). Lesser sources are unhydrogenated soy**, mustard oil, wheatgerm, flaxseed, walnut, green leaf veggies (surprise), and of course fatty fish -and really not much else. Cardiologist de Lorgeril: '.. in most cases, the prescription of capsules containing oils enriched in [plant and fish] omega-3's ... will be, ethically and scientifically, an obligation.' [pictures on right]

The bad news: common oils with over 50% of the omega-6 poly-unsaturate linoleic may be harmful (soy, corn, sun and safflower, grape and cottonseed) as is all hydrogenated [trans] oil ('vegetable' shortening, deep fry oils or ghee, donuts and 90% of margarines). **) Soy oil is a double edged sword as per person use in the U.S. went from zero 65 years ago to 31g/day, 10% of average daily calories. Soy is the main source of excessive trans and omega-6 fats in many countries: it's hidden and it's everywhere (scientific poster: or ).

These simple basics should prevent or postpone nearly 80% of heart and other serious diseases! What could be easier than an oil change to canola or flax (linseed), away from corn, sunflower or unidentified oils, and a few supplements at the end of your largest meal. Easing off on the highly refined carbs, the next step, is not that easy --as, each year, the average American eats his weight in added sugars, 650 Calories per day.

Apart from lowered nutrients, grains ground into a dust (flour and most breakfast cereals) or starchy potatoes (low-fiber, rapidly absorbed carbs) keep you hungry and stress your insulin system, promoting overweight & adult diabetes. Here, high insulin plus high blood sugar team up to reduce blood circulation and promote heart disease.
All illness has nutritional links. There's no doubt that all omega-3 oils (nature's COX inhibitors) lower heart attacks and double your survival chances while Vioxx and Bextra raise risk, as may Aleve/naproxen & Celebrex. Omega-3's from fish have anti-inflammation effects and help arthritis and bowel disease. Why not consider if such condition can be linked to a low intakes of such oils. This site will help you think along those lines.

A good multi is a zero calorie Essential Food Group, Ounce Of Prevention and Nutritional Seat-Belt. There is no research showing that avoiding vitamins makes you healthier and it's the only easy life-style change you can make. This website may not make you smoke less, walk more or revolutionize your diet but these ideas are simple and benefits major.

This website takes you from the not-so-bad cholesterol via fats and vitamins to the tastier foods; it is a free 86 page book in PDF [needs free Acrobat] without the 'cholesterol page' PDF. Home page only. The next page has the essentials but do visit the last page. This site is for your well being so your input is appreciated.

Eat three squares and a snack
I start most days with a three-egg omelet (one yolk and whites) and some green tea with a scoop of Benefiber (a natural fiber supplement). For lunch, I usually order baked salmon and grilled veggies from a nearby restaurant. I never eat fast food. And for dinner, my wife, Sari, typically makes fish or chicken with veggies. We eat little starch at home. If I get hungry during the day or when I'm traveling, I'll have a mozzarella stick, fruit, wasabi-coated soy nuts, other nuts, or a high-fiber bar.

Indulge in moderation
I love dark chocolate. I keep a stash in the office and usually eat a piece after lunch. I try to limit myself to that single daily indulgence, although I also have a weakness for rugelach, a rich pastry my wife buys when our boys come home from college. If I'm lucky, they consume most of it before I have the opportunity to yield to temptation.

Exercise early and regularly
On weekdays, I'm up and in my home gym by 6:15 am. Three days a week, I use a machine called the Power Plate, which vibrates as I do various exercises. It helps warm up my old bones, while building balance and core strength. Then I'll do Pilates. This workout normally lasts an hour. The other two weekdays I'll do 20 to 30 minutes of interval training on an elliptical machine. This type of high/ low intensity is great for the heart. On weekends, I golf, play tennis, or occasionally do a boxing workout. (Follow Dr. Agatston's 3-Point Plan to protect your heart's health.)

Go easy on the supplements
I believe a good diet will provide most of the essential nutrients I need. So, besides Benefiber, the only supplements I take are fish oil, turmeric, and Cold-Eeze when I travel. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil protect the heart, while some doctors I respect believe the curcumin in turmeric helps prevent Alzheimer's disease. Cold-Eeze contains zinc, which may prevent colds or lessen their symptoms.

Prioritize sleep
I get at least 7 hours per night. I also believe in naps. If I have an evening social engagement, I'll nap for 30 minutes before going out.

Cultivate closeness
I've been married for 28 years, and my wife and I have not only a wide circle of friends but also two much-loved sons who come home often. We all try to spend a few weeks vacationing together in the summer. Studies show that a strong social and family network is not only helpful for your general health but also for preventing heart disease.


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