One day of binge eating candy can sabotage your weight loss plan and cause you to gain 1-2 pounds. Here are a few tips to help you to avoid gaining weight around the Halloween Season.

Tip #1: Eat a balanced meal before going trick-or-treating!

Eating a balanced meal and feeding your kids a balanced meal is a great way to curb the sugar/ dessert cravings. Try to fill up on lean protein, veggies, and fiber before your first piece of candy.

Tip #2: Workout before going out!

If you workout or exercise before trick-or-treating, your body will be more sensitive to insulin. All this means is that your blood sugar will be lower and your hormones won't fluctuate as dramatically after you eat candy or desserts.

Your body will digest sugar a little better if you workout before going out.

Tip #3: Eat a piece of fruit before you eat a piece of candy.

Before sitting down to a big bag of candy, eat a piece of fruit and drink 8 ounces of water. Eating fruit and drinking water has a significant role on satiety (the feeling of fullness). You'll likely eat much less candy if you start with fruit and water.

Tip #4: Give away the excess.

After Halloween, it's time to purge your kitchen and cabinets of the remaining temptations. Bring the extra candy to work or give it to someone else who can distribute it elsewhere.

You could always throw away the excess, but I know that seems wasteful. So try to give away the excess candy the day after.

Tip #5: Don't eat any candy at all!

I know this is a hard tip to follow. But, I want you to know that candy can be very addictive. Once you have 1 piece, you may feel like you need to keep eating until you're sick (I've been there.)

Do your best to resist temptation. We're all human, but if you can avoid eating a ton of sugar during the days leading up to and following Halloween, you can avoid gaining excess fat.

Charles Inniss is a Physical Therapist and Personal Trainer. Visit his website to learn tons of stomach and ab exercises, and learn additional weight loss tips.

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