Until this moment there is no vaccine that can prevent or treat HIV-AIDS. But is not something that is impossible to conduct HIV prevention for themselves and others. Therefore, understanding the transmission process is the key to prevention. Here I would like to measures to prevent transmission of HIV AIDS if you are not infected with HIV-AIDS.

* Understand the HIV-AIDS and teach others. Understanding HIV-AIDS and how the virus is transmitted is the basis for preventive action (God willing in the next post I discussed the problem of HIV AIDS), spread the knowledge in to other people such as family, friends and relatives.
* Know your HIV status of your sexual partners of AIDS. Having sex with just anyone make the perpetrators of sex is very risky HIV-infected, and therefore know the HIV status of sex partners of AIDS is very important.
* Use a new syringe and sterile. The most rapid spread of HIV AIDS is through sharing needles with people alternately with positive HIV status, transmission through needle often occurs in IDU (injection drug user).
* Use a Condom Quality. Besides making ejaculation slower, use of condoms during sex * Melepasmu, cook dinner pas pake condom? * Quite effective in preventing HIV-AIDS transmission through sex.
* Perform circumcision / circumcision. Many studies in the year 2006 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) showed that circumcised men have a risk of doing 53% less than those who do not perform circumcision. (InsyaAllah discussed in the next post).
* Perform periodic HIV testing. If you are someone with a high risk, HIV testing should be done regularly, at least 1 year.

There are several stages when you start to become infected with HIV virus until symptoms of AIDS:

1. Stage 1: Period window
- HIV enters the body, until the formation of antibodies to HIV in the blood
- No special tanda2, people with HIV look healthy and feel healthy
- HIV test can not detect the presence of this virus
- This stage is called the window period, generally ranging from 2 weeks - 6 months

2. Stage 2: HIV-Positive (without symptoms) on average for 5-10 years:
- HIV in the body breed
- No special signs, people with HIV look healthy and feel healthy
- HIV Test is able to detect HIV status of a person, having been formed antibodies against HIV
-Generally stay looking good for 5-10 years, depending on body endurance (average 8 years (in developing countries is shorter)

3. Stage 3: HIV-Positive (symptoms)
- Getting the immune system down
- Start up of symptoms of opportunistic infections, such as: swollen lymph glands throughout the body, constant diarrhea, flu, etc.
- Generally lasts for more than 1 month, depending on her endurance

4. Stage 4: AIDS
- Condition of the body's immune system is very weak
- Various other diseases (opportunistic infections) getting worse

What are the symptoms of people infected with HIV become AIDS?

2 can be seen from the symptoms of Major symptoms (more common) and Minor symptoms (not common):

Major Symptoms:
- Weight loss of more than 10% within 1 month
- Chronic diarrhea lasting more than 1 month
- Prolonged fever for more than 1 month
- The decline of consciousness and neurological disorders
- Dementia / HIV encephalopathy

Minor Symptoms:
- A cough settled more than 1 month
- Dermatitis generalized
- The zostermultisegmental herpes zoster and recurrent herpes
- Kandidias orofaringeal
- Herpes simplex chronic progressive
- Generalized lymphadenopathy
- Recurrent fungal infection in female genitals
- Cytomegalovirus retinitis


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